
Can You Register A Facebook Group?

Facebook has always allowed contests from third parties every bit long every bit they follow the social network'south official promotions guidelines. These include, amidst others, that Facebook should be released from all responsibility, that the contest is not sponsored by Facebook etc. And another of import bespeak is that the personal timelines should not be used in society to enter in a prize draw etc.

In this article you can read about:

  1. Facebook Timeline Competition
  2. Dos and Don'ts in Facebook Timeline Contests
  3. App-based promotions published on Facebook
  4. Simple sweepstakes with registration
  5. Photo, video and text contests
  6. Surveys and quizzes
  7. Coupons and codes

Facebook Timeline Contests

The nigh simple manner to run a contest on Facebook is still to organize a timeline contest, in Easypromos terms too known as Facebook Giveaway. This consists of a post on your Facebook folio where you ask users to participate either by commenting on the post or Liking the mail. No sign up procedure, everything takes place on your Facebook page. Then not only is it like shooting fish in a barrel for you lot as the page ambassador to carry out, it'due south also very piece of cake for the users to participate and a sweepstakes increases the organic reach of the post exponentially. A report shows that a sweepstakes mail gets up to one thousand% more interaction than a regular post on Facebook. All of this is the reason why the Facebook Timeline contest is the nigh used type of promotion of all.

Apart from existence overnice and raffle a prize, y'all tin can apply the Facebook sweepstakes to ask the users many things, only your imagination sets the limits. You can inquire which product they like the most, their favorite color, food, season, action etc. They can fifty-fifty answer with a hashtag and the platform will track and count the different hashtags used in the comments on the sweepstakes post.

Easypromos offers the perfect Facebook Timeline competition tool to easily select the winner or winners and the alternates randomly and transparently, we even give you a certificate of validity to guarantee to the users that the prize draw has been carried out in a fair and random manner.


Dos and Don'ts in Facebook Timeline Contests


  • Enquire users to participate by Liking or Commenting on the postal service
  • Ask users to participate by using reactions. Recollect: Only utilize Reactions in the manner they're originally intended for Facebook – as a quick and easy way to express how you feel.
  • Ask participants to use hashtags in their comments.
  • Be original in what you ask users to answer, something that can exist useful to your business concern.
  • Encourage users to follow your page and share the sweepstakes post


  • Ask users to share as a requirement for participation
  • Ask users to tag friends as a requirement for participation
  • Ask users to Like your page as a requirement for participation
  • Use reactions as a voting mechanism or to represent annihilation than what they're originally intended for

You lot tin read much more about Facebook Timeline Contests here. And if you lot already know that you want to run a Facebook Sweepstakes, yous tin sign up here to become started.

App-based promotions published on Facebook

If you desire to collect the user information of the participants and make them piece of work a little more for their gamble to win, you should create a promotion using an app. For example, all the Easypromos contests and promotions that are app-based can exist published on Facebook. When you create an app-based promotion, a microsite with its unique URL is created and you can employ information technology to share the promotion anywhere y'all want. A skillful thought is to publish information technology in 1 or more than posts on your Facebook folio that is visible to everybody, and you can even pin the post to the meridian of the folio.

Users connecting from a mobile device volition be taken to the microsite considering the tabs aren't available in the mobile version of the Facebook app. All entries go into the aforementioned database. But don't worry, all our apps are 100% responsive and therefore perfectly visualized on any mobile device.


The dissimilar options to create a Facebook competition:

Simple sweepstakes with registration

If all you want to exercise is to collect the information of the participants in exchange for a adventure to win a prize, y'all should utilize the Sweepstakes app. This consists of a welcome page, the entry form folio that y'all tin configure to enquire for the data needed, and the thank you page, that simple. The app comes with the tool to pick a winner randomly.


Photo, video and text contests

Some of the most popular contest apps are the ones for Facebook photo contest and video competitions where users sign upwardly and upload their photograph or video. The organizer can choose to combine both and as well to ask the users for a explanation to go with their photo or video. Pure writing-based contests are as well an option. The user-generated content tin can be published in a public gallery where y'all tin actuate voting to find the winner of the Facebook contest or to choice the finalists.

Users tin can vote directly into the entries' gallery and participants are offered several ways to share their entry to get votes.

Surveys and quizzes

A very good way to appoint with your target audience and become to know their likings, preferences and habits is to create a survey, multiple-choice test or quiz. Yous can mix the types of answers; unmarried respond, multiple answer, sortable answers, open answer, ranking, listing, radio buttons, dropdown list. You can utilize images and videos both in questions and answers. You can testify the users their answers in the summary folio and allow them take the quiz once again and you can show final messages to the users based on their answers. That way y'all can give the participants added value by for example guiding them in their purchase procedure.

The same goes for this type of promotion; participation takes place on the microsite and users accept several means to share their upshot of the survey, test or quiz.


Coupons and codes

If you desire to incentivize your online community to purchase more of your products and at the same fourth dimension collect database, a good way to practice information technology is by using coupons and codes. The users sign up, fill in their information and in return they go a discount coupon or code that they can redeem at the point of sales. Or you can give them a pocket-size gift to be picked up at the store.

Are y'all ready to create your ain Facebook Contest? Which one is information technology going to exist? Create your free account and become started here. You can create the promotion in typhoon mode at no price, yous will only exist asked for payment once you want to activate it.

Randi Jensen

She joined Easypromos in January 2017 every bit International Business Programmer. Her primary focus is on improving communication and customer treat our English speaking clients through alive chat and e-mail. She holds degrees in Journalism and Online Communication & Marketing and has more than ten years of experience in online marketing. She spends her spare fourth dimension with her boys and practicing yoga, and she sips herbal tea from her Easypromos mug during the workday.

Publication engagement: 2017-08-29

Can You Register A Facebook Group?,


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