Image via Grinding Gear Games

With the Path of Exile's Siege of the Atlas expansion bringing so many new mechanics to the game, there'southward a lot to grasp if you want to get ahold of the best gear you can. As you work your mode deeper into the expansion, that volition mean using a few rare new currencies, the Eldritch Orbs.

In that location are three different types of Eldritch Orb to find: the Eldritch Chaos Orb, Eldritch Exalted Orb, and Eldritch Orb of Annulment. Each one of these will requite you the power to manipulate an particular's Eldritch Implicit modifiers in a different (and highly specific) way. If you aren't sure how these powerful modifiers work, or yous just demand a refresher, here's how to gain and manipulate them with Eldritch Ember and Eldritch Ichor.

Image via Grinding Gear Games

The Eldritch Orbs volition touch on items differently depending on which Eldritch Horror dominates the item. To make up one's mind this, you just need to check which of the Eldritch Implicit modifiers is a college tier. The modifiers gained from Eldritch Embers represent to The Searing Exarch, while the modifiers gained from Eldritch Ichors correspond to The Eater of Worlds.

Related: How does Omniscience work in Path of Exile?

In one case you've determined which Horror is dominant, the process becomes more than straightforward. Eldritch Chaos Orbs can be used to reroll an items prefix or suffix modifier. Eldritch Exalted Orbs tin can be used to add prefix or suffix modifiers. Eldritch Orbs of Annulment can exist used to remove prefix or suffix modifiers.